Dynamics 365 vs Zoho: Which CRM Offers Better Workflow Automation?

November 10, 2021

Dynamics 365 vs Zoho: Which CRM Offers Better Workflow Automation?

When it comes to choosing a CRM software, workflow automation is a crucial factor that can make or break your user experience. Dynamics 365 and Zoho CRM are two popular options that offer automation features. In this post, we’ll compare the two and see which one provides better workflow automation.

Workflow Automation in Dynamics 365

Dynamics 365 is a well-known CRM software developed by Microsoft. It offers a wide range of automation features, including:

  • Automated workflows that can be triggered by specific events or criteria.
  • Customizable business process flows that guide users through a set of steps to complete a specific task.
  • Power Automate integration, which allows you to create complex workflows involving multiple apps and services.
  • AI Builder, which lets you add machine learning models to your workflows to automate decision making.

Workflow Automation in Zoho CRM

Zoho CRM is another popular CRM software that offers workflow automation features, including:

  • Blueprint, which is a drag-and-drop interface for creating workflows, automating tasks, and streamlining processes.
  • Custom functions, which allow you to create custom automation rules using scripting.
  • Webhooks, which enable you to send data from Zoho CRM to other apps and services.
  • Approval processes, which automate the approval of records using predefined criteria.


Both Dynamics 365 and Zoho CRM offer powerful workflow automation features. However, Dynamics 365 provides more out-of-the-box automation features than Zoho CRM, including Power Automate integration and AI Builder. On the other hand, Zoho CRM's Blueprint feature provides an intuitive interface for building workflows, making it easier for non-technical users to get started with automation.

Dynamics 365 Zoho CRM
Automated workflows Yes Yes
Customizable business process flows Yes No
Power Automate integration Yes No
AI Builder Yes No
Blueprint No Yes
Custom functions No Yes
Webhooks No Yes
Approval processes No Yes

Ultimately, the choice between Dynamics 365 and Zoho CRM will depend on your specific automation needs and preferences.


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